All I can tell them is what is working for me, and how I did it
Released on: August 16, 2008, 12:13 pm
Press Release Author: Brian Trischetta
Industry: Entertainment
Press Release Summary: I believe of course that success is relative to an individual. So when I speak of success, know that I\'m speaking for my current situation and myself. I\'m averaging between $3500 and $4000 a month with EDC. I have been a member since late February, and enjoying every moment of it! Many folks wouldn\'t call $4000 success when you compare it to what others are claiming to make (or to where you live, your bills, etc.) But one thing I always like to point out is that even though $4000 may not seem like a lot, it\'s $4000 more than you would have had, and definitely enough to produce changes in lifestyle. However, it has allowed me to quit my job and work completely from home! I\'m now making more per month than I was working 2 full-time jobs at the same time here in NC. My fiancee and I don\'t have to struggle anymore. We just moved to our new place, we\'re redecorating, we just got a new dog and life is as it should be. Next month I can go home to GA to visit for Father\'s day, the next month we can go out of town for the 4th of July, we\'ll be traveling for both our birthdays in August...and all without having to ask for time off, or worrying about paychecks being lower because of time taken off.
Press Release Body: There is a feeling I have, that developed as my fiancee and I started moving through these \"business opportunity\" programs. Everyone was hollering \"turnkey system\" and duplicate this and duplicate that..... But what we discovered is that NO system is able to be duplicated exactly or completely by everyone, because we are all individuals. I think that is why you have yet to see a system that has worked for 99% of those who\'ve tried it (and then you have to remember that percentages are relative. Folks could claim that more that 90% of users have had success, and their could only be 2 or 3 users....). So when I go into any business venture now, I don\'t even worry about whether there is a system that can be duplicated. I just do my own thing because I trust in my own abilities more than anyone else\'s system.
The top earners of EDC are boasting that they\'re giving their new team members the \"exact same system that earned them $20,000 in their first month...\" The funny thing is that I only hear that kind of success coming from them (again, maybe one or 2 others), but not their entire team. How do I know? Because they literally have hundreds in their downlines, but EDC still has the same number of \"top earners\" as it always did....
Now guidelines are a bit different. I\'ve created a course for my team to use as a guideline, it\'s just info on how to get started, general rules of business, marketing techniques that work both online and off. But I expect them to go out and develop their own ways, to take what they learn and make it \"evolve\" for their own business. That seems to be more effective that boasting about a \"turnkey system\" that you follow step-by-step to success. I have yet to see a single system that will work for more than 2 or 3 people.
And of course, with any program the mentor can be a big factor. A good mentor will have an outline for the joining and learning process. A good mentor will have a step-by-step plan for how to get you started. The majority of people that I know who are failing with EDC are failing because they didn\'t have a clue as to how to get started. And as a result, they\'ve just been peddling about here and their and twiddling their thumbs instead of creating plans and moving forward on their own. It is possible that these folks would not have succeeded anyway, but I think that if they\'d had a truly helpful sponsor from the start, they\'d be in a slightly better position now.
I can\'t tell someone that if they follow my system, it will bring them success, because everyone isn\'t like me, and regardless of what they say, they AREN\"T going to work their business the exact same way that I do. All I can tell them is what is working for me, and how I did it, what tools or marketing technique I used, what ad copy is getting results, etc. I\'m afraid that might be as close as you\'ll come to a step-by-step system from anyone, simply finding out what\'s working for them and trying it in the same way.
Bottom line? Systems are only guidelines, not guarantees for success. None of them are completely duplicative. If that were the case, there wouldn\'t be so many different business opportunities out here, because everyone would have succeeded with the first one or 2....
Incomecycle - Income Cycle - EDC Diamond - EDC Gold - - - Easy Daily Cash Brian Trischetta - 1-518-452-3768
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Contact Details: Brian Trischetta - 1-518-452-3768
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